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Expert Gail F. Goodman shares insights from Age of the Customer

GailGoodman-PhotoIn his new book, The Age of the Customer, Jim Blasingame reveals why all managers must re-examine their business through the new and evolving expectations of customers. And this is now happening often before you even know the customer exists, at what Jim calls “the Moment of Relevance.” Let Jim help you bring your business into the Age of the Customer.

Gail F. Goodman, CEO, Constant Contact, author of Engagement Marketing: How Small Business Wins in a Socially Connected World

The Rules of Selling Have Changed

During the Age of the Seller, getting an initial meeting was the easy step,
while closing the sale was more involved and required the most skill. But Age
of the Customer influences have shifted the way buyers prepare themselves
to purchase products or services, from needing assistance from a salesperson,
to being able to pre-qualify themselves by themselves. Buyers are avoiding
prospecting calls from all but the short list of vendors they have identified as
worthy in their information gathering process.

Age of the Seller

Armed with Age of the Customer resources, buyers now have access to most of the information they require to make a pre-qualifying decision. This unassisted information acquisition results in disruptions to the selling process and the cold-call looks a lot different today.

Age of the Customer

Expert Jay Mincks talks about The Age of the Customer


As Jim Blasingame proves in his new book, the Age of the Customer has changed the rules of selling. Since nothing happens until someone makes a sale, understanding these new rules is essential to success, and no one delivers that understanding better than Jim. In fact, chapter 16 alone is worth the price of this book.

Jay Mincks, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Insperity